10 Mistakes to Avoid at Your Bridal Hair Trial

Wedding Hairstyles

If you had to honestly assess how you feel about your hair trial, what would the numbers be? 25% happy, 75% worry? Or 50-50? Or even 110% worry? If your anxiety factor is really high, then you are reading the right advice. Let us show you what mistakes to avoid at your bridal hair trial, so you go in happy and relaxed, and walk out feeling ultra-glam.

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You didn’t tell the stylist in advance about your hair

It’s all in the prep, ladies! During the emailing/booking phase, the stylist will probably ask you about your hair, but you should remember to tell her this anyway. It’s very simple: length, thickness, type (straight, curly, wavy), condition, colour, and if you are planning on colouring it before the wedding. Unsurprisingly, long hair takes a much longer time to style than short or shoulder length hair.

You have zero idea about your dress

There’s a reason dress shopping is one of the first things to happen while planning! So many things depend on it, including the hair style. If for some reason you haven’t bought the dress yet, at least get an idea of a style you like, and bring some pics to the trial with you. It may not be exact, but if you think you know the shape (classic strapless ballgown? sleek sheath? lacy A-line?), it’s already a good starting point.

Oh, and one more thing worth remembering. Sometimes, the back of the dress is more important than the front. A plain back isn’t a big deal to cover with loose flowing locks. But a gorgeous beaded embroidered back… it would be a shame to cover it. So remember to think about the back too.

You ask too many people to come along

This is not your hen do! You don’t need to invite all the bridesmaids, both mothers, your cousin who just happens to be visiting, and live-chat the whole thing with your OH too. Bring just one person. ONE. It should be someone whose opinion you trust. This isn’t just good for minimising the ‘driving the stylist crazy’ factor. It’s also practical: most stylists work in spaces where it’s simply not possible to fit 11 extra people. And, you’ll also be able to keep that little bit of mystery. What look will the bride unveil on her wedding day? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see, everyone, won’t ya?

mistakes to avoid at your bridal hair trial

Above image courtesy of Susie the Hairstylist

You are too shy to talk about your flaws

We all have imperfections, but we don’t always realise how easily they can be disguised. Enter the superhero stylist! He/she’s got tricks up her sleeve (and in her pockets) that make all the difference… but only if you TELL HER. ‘I’ve always hated my high forehead. My ears stick out so much.’ Get it off your chest and the stylist will know what to do. Otherwise, you are almost guaranteed to walk out with a style you aren’t crazy about. Why? Because other people often don’t see these things we call ‘flaws’. So be honest.

You didn’t do any prep work

It’s important to think about the style you’d like for your Big Day before your trial – it doesn’t have to be set in stone but be sure to have a few ideas to chat through with your hairstylist and some pics you can show them. Also don’t forget to mention any accessories you’re thinking of having (or one better – bring them with you!) whether it’s a vintage hair comb or a veil as this may affect a particular style.

You have a ‘this and only this’ mindset

You found some pictures of the perfect look and you are ready to roll. Meanwhile, the stylist is thinking ‘if only I could take this style an inch higher, or put the parting on the other side, it would suit her so much better’. Would you say no to looking even better than the picture you brought? Of course not. So at the trial, if the stylist suggests an adjustment, or even a completely different style, just go with it. It won’t hurt to see more options, and one of them could truly be the perfect look.

The style you want won’t work on the day

Here’s an example of what we mean: you want a loose, flowing, gorgeous boho style. But you also rented a vintage convertible to drive you around and you want the top down. Ok. You’ll arrive in style, but your hair definitely won’t. You see where we are going with this. There’s weather, wind, outdoor photos to think about, and your stylist is thinking about them all already. She will make sure everything is as secure as it should be, but you can’t go wrong if you get a little practical.

Above image from Sarah & Dom’s real wedding by Memories Photography by Magda

You skimp on good hair products

In your budget, you probably didn’t allocate a huge amount for grooming, and that’s ok. But… you do want luscious, thick, shiny hair on your wedding day, a true crowning glory. Can you get it by buying the cheapest shampoos and conditioners? It’s not likely. Having cover-girl worthy hair requires a little investment, but luckily there’s so much on the market. Rather than blindly buy stuff and hope for the best, ask the stylist what products she recommends. She’ll be able to assess the condition of your hair as soon as she handles it, and recommend the best products accordingly. So if you are looking to trim your budget a little, don’t sacrifice your hair for it.

You don’t tell the stylist about your plans

That would be your hair plans! Let’s say you’ve had the same style since you finished high school and you are, quite frankly, tired of it. You want to unveil a whole new you when you’re a bride! That’s fine, but do tell the stylist, please. Otherwise, after a successful trial, she’ll return on the morning of your wedding to find she can no longer do the style you approved. Cue disappointment! Just be honest and confess your plans. Not only will you make it easier for her, you may score a fabulous tip for the transformation.

You don’t look at hair photos as a whole picture

It’s seldom just about the style, especially in hair magazines and on websites. To show off a style to its best advantage, the models are also made up to complete the look, and often wear very flattering colours to enhance the effect even more. So when you look at pictures, look at the other components too, and ask yourself, ‘would I wear that makeup? the model is wearing a black t-shirt, but my dress is white? how different is her skin tone?’ These are smart questions to ask when making your first choices.

P.S. Don’t forget to bring your camera/phone with you so you’ve pics of the style to look back at afterwards!

Want to know more about your what to expect (not just mistakes to avoid at your bridal hair trial)? Here’s the full story about bridal hair trials, from preparation to the final decision.

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