10 Secrets to a Stress Free Wedding Sponsored by Sure Maximum Protection

Hair & Beauty, Health & Fitness, Planning

Want to glide up the aisle, not a care in the world? Check out these 10 secrets to a stress free wedding day…

1. Pre-wedding pampering – Your routine the night before the wedding (and the week of the lead up to the wedding BTW) is just as important as the big day itself. Relax the night before by making time for a bubble bath (loaded with lavender to encourage a super night’s sleep). Or if baths aren’t your thing, make time for some yoga, meditation or whatever else leaves you feeling all lovely and grounded. Whatever you do, get some precious sleep (do not stay up scribbling table plans and the like). Not getting enough shuteye may leave you feeling vulnerable and emotional and little hiccups will seem bigger than they are. So get that eye-mask on early so you feel rested and rejuvenated.

2. Pack your bag the night before – You do not want to be tearing about the apartment on the morning of your big day looking for your Passport or even the little things like your make-up or trusty Sure Maximum Protection deodorant. Pack all your wedding day essentials the night before (or even a couple of days before if you can) – from random things like insoles and the PJ’s/robe you’ll get ready in to your garter and minimoon gear. Nothing will stress you out more than pulling the couch apart looking for a stray sandal or Passport!

3. Eat a good brekkie – With nerves up to 90 and butterflies dancing across your tummy, eating a decent breakfast may be the last thing on your mind. But as your mother probably drilled in to you every morning before school, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. And it’s true even more so on an important day like this. Now we’re not talking about a full-on fry (if you’re not able) but some poached or scrambled eggs and some toast, fruit and even some tasty pastries will give you the energy you need for the day ahead and will actually help calm those nerves if anything. The last thing you want to hear during the Prayers of the Faithful is your tummy growling.

4. Be prepared – In those moments that matter, you need more from your antiperspirant. To stay feeling fresh and dry for your entire wedding celebrations, be sure to pop Sure Maximum Protection in your shopping basket. With scientifically proven 48 hour dryness protection and encapsulated odour-fighting technology, Sure Maximum Protection provides 2 x stronger sweat protection than the bestselling antiperspirant*. Its unique cream formula glides on smoothly and dries quickly, so you can float down that aisle, shimmy and twirl the night away on the dance floor and enjoy all those precious moments without feeling self-conscious.

5. Timing – You may think because the ceremony isn’t starting until 1 or half, that you’ve plenty of time. After all, you’re in safe hands with hair and make-up doing all the hard work and sure don’t you know what you’re wearing. BUT you’ll be surprised how quickly the morning will zip by. We’re talking photos to cram in, possibly a first look with the family and do not underestimate how long it will take to get the gúna on. Especially if it has a train’s worth of little fiddly buttons to do up (God bless bridesmaids!). Make sure you give yourself lashings of time so that you can soak it all up – the joy of actually getting to put your dress on for real and enjoy a little toast of something sparkly with your maids and family. Starting early will ensure you fit all these lovely moments in and there’s no panic come 1o’clock.

6. Wedding day playlist – There’s nothing like a bit of music to soothe and relax or psyche you up for a night of partying. So choose a nice mix of tunes to have playing in the background as you go about your bridal duties – it will be both uplifting and will keep the atmosphere nice and relaxed.

7. Delegate – Don’t be afraid to delegate! Balloons need blowing up? Get the lads on to it. Button holes need to be chauffeured up to the church? Arrange for a friend to do it (and don’t be speed-dialling on the morning of the wedding!) You don’t want anything to worry about except for whether to opt for an extra coat of lippy before you hop in to the bridal car.

8. Hydrate – We all know water is amazing for us – skins, organs, you name it. But in the run up to your wedding it is up there with Vera Wang! Not just for your skin, but for helping you keep your cool. The morning of a wedding is filled with a flurry of activities and all the madness can leave you feeling hot and flushed. So be sure to have an ice-cold bottle of water to hand all morning to keep you hydrated and nice and cool.

9. Emergency kit – Why on earth would you need a whole kit dedicated to mini disasters you may ask? Because a bride that’s prepared is a calm and serene bride, that’s why. Your day will more than likely sail by in a bubble of gorgeous memories but if a drop of vino ends up making its way on to your dream dress, knowing your bridesmaid has a  trusty kit full of emergency essentials will prevent you from having a minor meltdown. Think things like safety pins, a little sewing kit, painkillers, a stick of chalk to disguise any stains, your Sure Maximum Protection deodorant, Q tips, hairspray and any other little rescue remedies you think you might need.

10. Leave on time – We all know a bride is never bang on time, but ensure you’re fashionably late by giving yourself loads of time to get to your ceremony. Don’t bank on it being green lights all the way with not a vehicle in sight because Sod’s Law says it probably won’t be. At least if you do give yourself plenty of time to relax and enjoy your last journey as a single lady (gah!), you’ll be serene and calm as you pull up outside your venue. You want to glide up the aisle and have beautiful snaps of a happy, buzzing bride so be sure to give yourself lots of time so you can revel in this happy day for all it’s worth!

*against sweat. Nielsen MAT unit sales w/e 03.01.15

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