10 Things to Look Forward to AFTER the Wedding

Advice, Planning, Planning & Advice

It’s easy to get carried away with the big day and all that it entails, but the point of it all is that you and your other half are declaring a life-time love for each other that will go on way after the last of the centerpieces has been cleared away. You might not think it now as you’re in the throws of planning mayhem, but there is SO much to look forward to after the big day has been and gone (not to mention your 40th anniversary!) Here are the things to look forward to 12 months after your wedding day…

The Photo Album

Probably the first, or second (!), thing you’ll think about on the morning of your wedding is seeing the photos from the day before! Luckily in this day and age we have some immediacy when it comes to candid snaps (hand your mobile to a bridesmaid during the day to catch some pics to enjoy the next day) but the delivery of the professional photo album is probably the main thing that you will get excited about when the big day has been and gone…

Opening the Gifts!

Now we always say that the wedding is not about gifts but, by golly if there is one person who doesn’t enjoy unwrapping parcels and opening envelopes we have yet to see them! If you had a wedding registry, finally holding these once-dreamed-of items in your lámha will give you the giddies like no other. Eek!

Catching up on Boxsets

We hate to admit, but when you’re as busy as a bride, pressing issues MUST come before part one of season five of Breaking Bad. FRET NOT! Each episode is waiting for you and your now-official other half to indulge yourselves and your PJs in. And if that’s not something to make you feel all snuggly in your happily-married-PJ-attired-rug we don’t know what is…

Wearing your Wedding Ring

The ol’ engagement ring was feeling a little lonely there for a while wasn’t it? Well, now you need not sneak a peek at your brand spanking sparkly new wedding ring when himself’s out of the house (and maybe even try it on when nobody’s looking) – because there it is, partnered up, snug in a rug with its sparkly  mate, making your ring finger shine like the top of the Chrysler building!

The Wedding DVD!

Some couples make the mistake of not hiring a wedding videographer for their big day and if that isn’t the most regrettable wedding mistake you’ll make we’ll eat our fascinators. The wedding video is one of the most exciting things you’ll look forward to after the big day – the morning excitement, the anxious wait at the top of the aisle, the moving speeches, and the ridiculous dancing… All captured in a neat little DVD to replay as you eat popcorn and think about donning your dress again for the ‘occasion’…

Guilt-free Chocolate Ice-cream

Before any event, many of us attempt to tone up or work out in an effort to look the best we can be. Even if we don’t move to low carb or fat free the ice cream feels like an indulgence we just cannot afford. Not for the next few weeks though. For the next few weeks we are eating, drinking and enjoying ourselves, and a Ben & Jerry’s sounds like just the way to do it.

First Christmas Married

Even if you’ve lived together for years before you are married, your first Christmas as husband and wife feels like a special one. And if you’re still spending it in your respective family’s homes, get a little bauble to celebrate it. And an even better present for each other to mark it.

Sending Thank You Notes

These may seem a little time-consuming once the celebrations have been and gone, but your Thank You notes are a great way to reminisce about your day while making your guests feel really special. Remember to keep a note of what you received so you can personalise your thank you notes (whether it was spending money for a dinner on honeymoon, or a coffee machine that hasn’t been turned off since you arrived home) and writing your cards will make you really appreciate everybody who made the effort to attend.

The Honeymoon /  Minimoon

Some people look forward to their honeymoon even more than their wedding, and we completely understand! There’s no better way to enjoy your ‘togetherness’ than with a relaxing trip to a luxury hotel, a romantic city or an adventurous expedition with the one you love. We think putting your honeymoon off for a month or two prolongs wedding celebrations and enables you to ride the wedding wave a little longer than expected…

Calling Each Other ‘Husband’ or ‘Wife’

This is one thing you might not have anticipated, but getting to call your other half your husband or wife is one of the most unusual and pleasant things about being married. Your wedding is one day, but your marriage is forever, and is something you will celebrate for a lifetime.

Main photo from real wedding by Rory O’Toole

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