13 Beauty Rules for Brides-to-be

Hair & Beauty, Make-up, Wedding Hairstyles

We all want to look our best and the Big Day is no different. Once the ring is on the finger, you may find you’re paying a little bit more attention to the cleanser you pop in the shopping basket or how often you visit the hairdresser! Of course, you’ll be glowing all on your own when the wedding day rolls around (and no amount of makeup and skincare prep can rival that) but there are a few little things that you can do on the lead up to ensure you feel your absolute best on the Big Day – check out these 13 beauty tips…

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1. Start a proper skincare routine

A proper skincare routine is so important, that’s cleansing product (plus toner and moisturiser) – not a sneaky wipe. A wipe may seem like a quick fix but they’re full of alcohol and preservatives and can dry out the skin. And according to Niamh from Bella Beauty they actually work out more expensive per use than a traditional cleanser – plus professional products will cleanse deeper. A good moisturiser is also a must – they’re more easily absorbed at night because of our elevated body temperature so your skin will really soak up the ingredients.

2. Exfoliate weekly

Cleansing is great but sometimes you need to go a little bit deeper – make sure to pencil in an exfoliation once or twice a week (don’t overdo it though as it can dry out your skin). The benefits are well worth it, everything from getting rid of dead skin cells to reducing fine lines and wrinkles, evening out your skin tone and making your skin feel smoother. The pros and models swear by body brushing too (it stimulates circulation, helping to get rid of toxins and can reduce cellulite) so you might want to factor in a once over with a body brush as well.

3. Remove makeup every night

Taking off your makeup can be a chore especially when it’s late and you’re knackered after binge-watching your latest Netflix obsession, but if you sleep with your makeup on, you’re not giving your skin a chance to breathe. You’re also not removing the dirt and grime from the day and dead skin cells which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Our experts rate the likes of Garnier’s Micellar Cleansing Water as a quick fix for removing makeup – see more tips and recommended products here.

4. Sleep well

There are so many reasons why a decent sleep is a must – the last thing you want is bags or dark circles plus our skin and body repairs itself as we snooze. A good night’s sleep will also help you recharge the batteries so you won’t get as phased by planning stresses. And while you’re at it, make sure you’re changing your pillowcase regularly. You rest your lovely, clean skin on your pillowcase for a good 7/8 hours every night so it’s best it’s not covered in bacteria. Make sure to change your pillowcases once a week if you can (twice is best) and flip your pillows every other night too.

5. Don’t pick at spots

It happens but it’s never a good idea for lots of reasons from scarring to spreading bacteria. Our hands are full of bacteria and touching that spot will just make it worse.

6. Drink more water

We all know we need to drink 8 glasses of water a day but getting it in can be a bit of a chore. Water is great for flushing toxins out of the body so it’s well worth filling up a large bottle in the morning and having it handy for maximum sipping. According to Consultant Dietician Sarah Keogh good hydration is crucial for great skin: “It plumps up the skin, reduces fine lines and ensures it’s clearer.” She recommends drinking two litres a day of still, pure water.

7. Wash makeup brushes regularly

You use them day in day out so naturally dirt, bacteria and old makeup is going to build up on your makeup brushes. Like everything, they need a scrub regularly so be sure to wash them in warm water with a splash of baby/gentle shampoo every couple of weeks at least. Squeeze excess water and lay flat to dry.

8. Get regular hair trims

If you’ve your heart set on growing you locks for the Big Day, you might think it’s time to skip the hair appointments. But split ends left to linger will just creep higher and higher so it’s best to get regular trims so your hair looks it’s healthiest. It goes without saying, don’t go for a dramatic new haircut too close to the Big Day and give yourself enough time for your hair to settle post-cut as well. The same applies to your hair colour – allow two weeks for it to settle down so it looks its absolute best.

9. Look after your lips

Like you skin, your lips need a little TLC particularly during winter when they can get mega dry and chapped. Use a lip balm to help keep them soft and a gentle scrub can work wonders too.

10. Wear sunscreen

It’s Ireland so granted, the sun doesn’t make an appearance as often as we’d like but it can be lurking behind the clouds and hanging about in winter causing all sorts of damage to our skin (it’s bad for wrinkles and can age the skin). Opt for a moisturiser or foundation with an in-built SPF to make sure your face is protected at all times.

11. Don’t try anything new less than a month before the Big Day

This applies to facials, hair cuts, eyebrow shaping or anything else that has the power to upset you. This will give you plenty of time to get used to or work out any nasty surprises. Don’t leave threading or waxing until the last minute either. These should be done a week before the Big Day so the skin has a chance to heal and settle – you don’t want to be panicking about a rash the day before the wedding.

12. Don’t overdo the tan

Make sure you spend a bit of time experimenting with your tan (if you’re going down that route) on the lead up to your wedding so you get it just right. Your tan should ideally be done three days before the wedding so it has enough time to settle!

13. Be true to yourself

Your wedding day is about you looking your best but you still want to feel like you. If you’re not a red lippy kind of gal, your Big Day shouldn’t be your first time to experiment with it. You want to recognise yourself in the photos afterwards so be true to yourself.

Photo by Tammy Swales

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