7 Brilliant Budget Tips to Make Your Dream Wedding Affordable

Budgeting, Planning & Advice

Zurich Life share their top tips for planning a beautiful wedding on a budget…

Dreaming of the perfect wedding but worried you don’t have the cash to pull it off? Fear not, you can still have an amazing day even with a modest budget! Here are a few steps you can take along the way to trim some costs.

1. Setting the Date

It’s a well-known fact; the cost of getting married can fluctuate depending on the time of the year you set the date. Because convenience is something that comes at a premium!

Weekends in the summer when there’s less chance of rain, will always be more expensive than those inconvenient weekdays during the wet and windy months. Long weekends are like gold dust with lots of couples hoping to secure a weekend spot with that extra day to let their guests relax (this could lead to a higher attendance rate after all).

Looking for a cheaper date while avoiding the rain? Aim for a late spring date. It still gives you the feel of the season with the best chance of avoiding the spring weather. Thankfully most creative photographers have some back up plans for wedding photos in the rain, just in case the clouds appear. The midweek wedding is another popular option with lots of savings to be made on everything from venues to suppliers. Suppliers book up fast for weekends so you may also find that that photographer you had your eye on is actually available for a Thursday wedding.

2. The Vendors and the Venue

The venue is a biggie as it really sets the scene for the day but savings can be made through little things like corkage or opting for their signature dish. Avail of any little extras they have as well whether it’s menus they can print off for you or décor for your table settings so you don’t have to spend a fortune sourcing stuff yourself.

If it suits the type of wedding that you’re having, another practical way to save funds is to have your ceremony and your reception at the same place. It means that you’re paying far less because you only rent one venue. You then save on transport costs for guests and everyone is in much less of a rush. There’s also a much smaller risk of things going wrong.

Another thing to think about is what frills you’re willing to compromise on – are favours a must? Are your guests expecting a drinks reception? The choice will always be yours.

3. Your Choice of Food Matters

The style in which you serve your guests food will have a big impact on your costs. A sit-down dinner with multiple courses tends to cost a lot more than a buffet meal. Some celebrations involve just the wedding party going for a meal before joining their guests at an informal reception with finger food later. It’s your day so ultimately, your choice.

If you do want a sit-down meal, you can always go for it and just remove some of the courses. Or try something fun and informal like a roasted hog for each table and invite one guest in each group to carve. It’s something a little bit different and adds a nice ambience to the wedding. Serves large bowls of fries and salads on the table and let your guests pass them round and help themselves.

4. Serve Cake as Dessert

If you’re serving cake and dessert, then there’s a risk of overkill. People are usually stuffed after the main meal so a slice of cake is the perfect dessert alternative. Plus your lovely cake can be appreciated by everyone!

If you’re worried about adding on too many tiers to your wedding cake but really want the full wedding photo, cake-cutting experience you can add some fake tiers. It looks the part and you can save some money by having your cake of choice ready to serve behind the scenes. Just make sure you know which tier is fake when you are cutting the cake!

Another cute trend that’s popping up is an arrangement of cupcakes or gourmet donuts as a fun alternative so chat to your cake-maker about budget-friendly options.

5. Keep Drinks Cost Low

When it comes to cutting costs, wine and beer are your friends. Forget Champagne and instead focus on prosecco for your toasts and drink reception. This switch alone could drastically reduce your drinks bill.

6. The Décor and the Flowers

Weddings and flowers go hand in hand. But even if you don’t have a massive budget to work with, there are still some lovely ways you can have that romantic feel. If you’re worried the church or venue looks sparse, some strategically placed bouquets will do the trick. In the church, decorate every third pew and in the venue leave a bouquet on each table.

7. The Rings

Rings are gorgeous. They symbolise commitment, eternity, beauty but can be an added cost. If you’re looking to save, go for plain bands with an inscription as opposed to rings with an intricate design that have a higher cost. As always, it all comes down to what you want and what makes you happy!

Remember, your dream wedding is achievable, you just need to know how to go about it! We have a full A-Z of saving tips to help you budget for your dream wedding.

Kick-start your new year saving plan with €100 from Zurich

Want to give your savings a big kick-start? Start a LifeSave Savings plan with Zurich Life and they will gift you a €100 contribution to your new savings plan. Offer starts January 16th and runs until March 31st.  Terms and conditions apply.

Zurich also has a handy budget and savings calculator to help you get to grips with your monthly incomings and outgoings and see where your biggest savings can be made this year. 

*This Post is Sponsored by Zurich Life

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