A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words but Sometimes the Memories are Priceless

Articles, Planning & Advice
Ten typical photos taken by Couple Photography at an Irish wedding that are not mentioned in any online wedding photography checklists:
1. Trial and error of putting ribbons on the car the morning of the wedding. Never as easy as it looks and can keep brothers occupied for the duration.
2. The mums who are determined that everything looks perfect on the day. Even if it means getting the hatchet out to shorten the bouquet.
3. The kids who really are not that interested in the I do’s.
4 The number of older guests who love eating an ice cream at a wedding.
5. High heels seemed good at the time but then guests just want to kick back and just be comfortable.
6. Brides who have planned their wedding dress and overall look to perfection but now they just want to be warm.
7. Couple who want all those kissing photos you see on Instagram but then can’t take it seriously.
8. A dog friendly wedding but whatever happens don’t let them jump up on the dress.
9. The ties for the groom looked so easy to do in the shop but now is it right over left or left over right?
10. I want some amazing landscape photos but never realised how hard it is to walk around.
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