Breakfast for Dinner? Why Not?!

Wedding Food
breakfast for dinner

You’d probably say, ‘no way Jose, weddings get the chicken, the salmon, the goat cheese tart. None of that breakfast for dinner nonsense. It’s just not weddingy enough!’ But… give me a chance to explain (and show you the pictures you’ll salivate over, I promise).

Growing up I had a friend who loved French toast. Really REALLY loved it. It was only food she wanted to eat it day in and day out. To celebrate her birthday every year, rather than serve the standard cake, she would have us over for a French toast feed. My friends and I would enjoy our maple syrup coated French toast, then watch in awe as the birthday girl continued to eat anywhere between 8 and 15 pieces. We were all utterly impressed (and jealous as those carbs simply disappeared into thin air) by her stamina and love for this seemingly abnormal indulgence.

Breakfast for dinner at your wedding

I remembered this when I started seeing photos of pancakes, waffles, and coffee bars at weddings. Why not serve breakfast for dinner at your wedding? If you and your other half love breakfast, then let them eat (pan) cakes! Plus, the idea of a make-your-own pancake table is adorable, and a coffee and tea bar with the bride and groom’s favourite drinks? Caffeinate your guests and your party will be going on all night long!

Here’s another argument to convince you: what do many people look forward to the most when they travel (holidays or business)? The hotel breakfasts. They heap their plates, indulge in their favourites, and overall feel like they have really arrived. A great breakfast makes their day! You could serve up that lovely feeling at your own wedding. Of course, not the whole feast has to be eggs-and-bacon. To serve the perfect breakfast for dinner, speak to the venue chef or your caterer. We dare say that their eyes will light up at the prospect of doing something nice and unusual like this. Of course, please just remember to invite me (wink).

And finally, if you want more ideas, you won’t be surprised… we love talking and writing about wedding food!

Sarah Yates Photography
Sarah Yates Photography via

Susan Stripling Photography
Susan Stripling Photography |

Clayton Austin Photography
Clayton Austin Photography via

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