BTS: Instant Camera Fun

BTS: Instant Camera Fun

It’s likely you will spend lots of time deciding how to style and decorate your wedding day into a unique celebration for you and your guests. From incredible outfits to fancy florals, the prettiest cake and memorable food choices, you really won’t want to miss a thing! One way to add a unique touch to your day is by adding instant cameras into the mix. From the big moments to all those little details, let your guests capture special seconds from your day with an instant camera. Here’s a few ideas to have fun with instant cameras at your wedding day… 

Make sure your guests know…

Whilst you may be worrying about the cost of having a few instant cameras dotted around your reception, they are a great way to add atmosphere and get your guests engaging with each other. Be sure to let your guests know where they are and give them suggestions on what you’d like to see. You could ask the Best Man to mention them during his speech, or have signage created. 

Create a fun photo booth… 

Everyone loves a wedding photo booth for capturing all the craic and when it’s themed, it’s even better! Shop around for fun props and watch as your guests capture the craziest of moments! 

If you’d prefer to leave it to the professionals, check out our recommended suppliers, here. 

Ask your guests to share their snaps… 

Having a designated space for guests to share their snaps is a great idea. An easy and cheap solution is to include a large notice board style wall with blue tack, pins or little pegs on string. During the night it will become covered in lots of hilarious images. 

Give your guests a checklist…

If you’re worried your guests won’t take part giving them a quick checklist to capture is a great idea. Things to include could be: 

– A wedding guest they have never met before. 

– The noisiest guest at their table. 

– A self portrait. 

– The happy couple. 

– Their best dressed guest. 

Ultimately you want your guests to have the best time at your wedding, by giving them the option of capturing it with an instant camera will only add to the experience!

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