How Should You Spend the Day Before the Wedding?


Here’s an ultra-useful mantra for every bride to repeat the day before the wedding:

If I didn’t get it done by now, I don’t need it.
If I didn’t get it done by now, I don’t need it.
If I didn’t get it done by now, I don’t need it.

Repeat until it sinks in true and proper. The day before the wedding shouldn’t be spent frantically calling, glueing, sewing, crying, driving to the other end of Ireland, and other such malarkey. You can still get a few things done – but you should be relaxed, serene and smiling. It’s ok if you’re nervous – they don’t call a wedding THE BIG DAY for nothing! But other than that, you should be a happy bunny.

Here are a few things you should do the day before the wedding… and a few you shouldn’t

1. Weather check

It gives you time to prepare in case of a sudden change of forecast. Remember to tell your other half too, if you’re not spending the day before the wedding together – you’ll be doing them a potentially huge favour.

Photo from Niamh & Jason’s real wedding by Emma Russell Photography

2. Bridesmaid round-up…

Where’s everyone? Whether they’re spending this day and evening with you in the same house or hotel, or joining you tomorrow morning, get in touch and make sure there are no hiccups.

3. … then give your phone to someone else

Ask your mum, sister, chief bridesmaid or best friend to answer your calls and sort out any mishaps today. Ask them to confirm transport arrangements on your behalf once more with the supplier. They should also call the best man and make sure everything’s ok over in your other half’s wedding HQ.

4. Go over the plan for tomorrow one last time

Do you have a schedule for the wedding day? If not, here’s how to figure out your wedding day timings. Put it somewhere you can find it easily tomorrow.

5. Eat light and right

Avoid bloaty foods at all costs. You already know the common offenders – beans (even canned ones, sorry Heinz), broccoli, cauliflower, and any other vegetable that looks like cabbage. Some lesser known offenders include onions, yogurt and grains. You probably already know what makes you bloat other than these – avoid it today.

6. Water – yes, alcohol – no

You don’t need Dutch courage – tomorrow is the day you’ve been working towards for many months, or even years! Looking and feeling fresh as a daisy is your top priority – and alcohol isn’t going to help, unfortunately. Set yourself a goal of drinking two litres of water today, if it isn’t a daily habit already.

Above photo from Ruth & Toby’s real wedding in Mallorca by DKPHOTO

7. Talk to someone about how you’re feeling

Tis the truth – most brides find they feel exactly the opposite than they expected, the day before the wedding. They say stuff like, ‘I’ve been planning this for two years, I thought I’d be calm, but I’m a bundle of nerves!’, or ‘I expected to be a wreck, but I’m actually calm and happy.’ If you’re struggling at all, talk to someone! Ask for a hug, have a little cry, go for a walk together… when you get it off your chest, you’ll feel much better.

8. No tough workouts

If you still want to do something, go easy – maybe a swim, or a long walk, or a gentle jog. Even athletes and ballerinas take it easy the day before they compete in the Olympics or dance a lead role in Swan Lake. It’s hard for any bride to smile when all her muscles are aching.

9. Wash your hair

Any stylist will tell you hair is easiest to style if you wash it the day before the wedding. Give it a good conditioning treatment too, for extra softness and gloss –and it’s good to have a little pamper.

10. Go to bed early and without your phone

You don’t have to sleep immediately – just slap on that miracle face night cream, get into your pyjamas, and get into bed. Read a magazine, listen to music or an audiobook, write down a few words in your diary for yourself, or a note to your soon-to-be-spouse. Stay away from staring at electronics. Let yourself drift off gently into sleep. In the morning, you’ll be glad you did.

Photo from Fiona & Seán’s real wedding by Emma Russell Photography

Main photo from Miranda & Matthew’s real wedding by Daniel, DKPHOTO

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