First Dance Alternatives – Here’s What You Can Do Instead


There are plenty of reasons to forgo having a First Dance. Maybe you’re not a fan of being in the spotlight. Maybe you’re looking for ways to shake up the traditions. Or maybe dancing just isn’t your thing! Whatever your reason, just because you’re saying no to a First Dance doesn’t mean you can’t have a special moment in its place. First Dance alternatives are a fabulous way of creating a beautiful, sentimental moment in a non-traditional way.

The key is to do what feels best for you! Take a peek at our list of First Dance alternatives and select one that represents you as a couple. There are lots of creative options to choose from!

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A food or drink moment

Wow your guests with a spectacular food or drink moment. You could kick off the festivities with a Prosecco tower or ask your chef to provide a food moment. Bring out a fabulous cheese wheel, break bread or serve something culturally traditional.


Perform for your guests

If you and your Other Half are into music and singing, then why not perform for your guests? Instead of dancing to your song, you could sing it!


A special performance

If you’re not performers, hire someone who is! Entertain your guests with a fabulous band or singer, a magician, singing waiters. Your guests will love it! Check out some other ideas here!


Do a group dance

If the reason you aren’t having a First Dance is because you don’t want all eyes on you, then share the moment. Invite your wedding party, parents or grandparents to dance along with you. It’s a great way to have fun together and to honour those closest to you.


Play a game

We’re big fans of games like Mr & Mrs (or Mr & Mr and Mrs & Mrs) or The Shoe Game. Kick off the festivities with an interactive game!


Have them serenade you

Choose a song that everybody knows and have your guests sing it to you as you walk onto the dance floor (with help from your band, of course).


A slideshow

Put together a beautiful slideshow of photos for your guests to enjoy! Use this to tell them your love story. And even better if your slideshow includes photos of your friends and family too.


Create your own “first”

If a dance isn’t your thing, then create your own “first”. Find something that’s meaningful to you as a couple that would make your wedding even more special.

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