How NOT to Propose to your Man this Leap Year


If he hasn’t put a ring on it yet, or maybe is taking a little longer than expected to set a date, this is definitely the day for women to stand up to the mark and do the question popping themselves! This leap year we’ve made up a little tongue-in-cheek guide to how NOT to pop the question to your man, but really we think you should throw all caution to the wind and do something a little out there and over the top to propose!

After the third date

Why not? Most of us have seen the one when Rachel asks Joshua to marry her after their third date. Needless to say it didn’t go well. At the risk of scaring him off forever (unless you’re ‘that couple’, in which case –what a story!) maybe leave it till the next leap year.

Instead: Make sure you are both somewhat on the same page. If you’ve discussed marriage and know it’s something he wants with you, but that he’s the type who seems a bit oblivious to the fact that he has to do something about it, this is a great day for you to have some fun asking him!

During the match

Why not? While some men would love the thought of their girlfriend arriving at their club and dropping to one knee in front of all his mates, others will be less impressed. Yes, maybe he is footie mad and you don’t understand why, but he enjoys his 90 minutes macho time with the boys and ain’t no leap year gonna change that!

Instead: Although grand gestures are mainly appreciated by the recipient, many prefer something more intimate. However, if you have a group of close friends and love having a bit of a laugh, this would be a really cute way to get everyone involved and have a little in-joke between you all! If he is the sporty type but doesn’t like big gestures, maybe give him a scarf in his team colours with the words ‘Marry Me’ on it, the roll it out and have two tickets to a match at the end!

By painting it on his car

Why not? Because he’ll be more shocked about you ruining his select mode of transport/other lady in his life than he will be about what you’ve written on it. (-And nobody likes a saboteur)

Instead: Mark the day by getting a watch engraved with your initials and the date on the back. You could even get the words ‘Marry Me’ embroidered on the inside of the box and give it to him over dinner. It would be a lovely alternative to a ring and he won’t look silly wearing it to work!

Sending a barbershop quartet during his big meeting with the partners

Why not? Because everyone knows the band of choice for surprise proposals at a career changing meeting is the Mariachi band, silly! If he works in a big company, chances are you won’t know all of his colleagues and a lot of people like to keep work and personal life separate too, so do your research and know the terrain you’re proposing on, and the potential audience you will have.

Instead: A nice idea if your man is into his music is to take him for dinner and a drink in town and go for a walk after. Arrange with a street busker to have him/her sing his favourite song and put in a line with both your names and pop the question then and there! He’ll be bowled over!

Photo: Still from Friends episode The One with All the Wedding Dresses

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