How to Clean Your Diamond Engagement Ring


Ladies, tell me, is there anything prettier than a sparkling diamond ring? In fact, if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been caught staring at your ring while you drive. Highly not recommended, but often unavoidable. Watching my ring sparkle is pretty mesmerizing. So if you know how to clean your diamond engagement ring, that sparkle won’t fade easily!

I’ve seen many debates about rings: should you clean it yourself or leave it to the pros? Can you take off your engagement ring or is it safer to keep it on at all times? With questions like these, I believe the answer is different for everyone. Personally, I keep my ring on unless I’m lifting gym weights. I know women who take their rings off when they sleep. It really is a personal choice!

So, if you are one of the girls who’d like to know how to clean your own diamond ring, I’ve got the inside scoop!



How to clean your diamond engagement ring

I’ve found a super simple at-home solution, which will bring back that sparkle. If you’ve found that your ring is looking a little dull from common cosmetics, like moisturiser, dishwashing liquid or perfume, this should help.

Mix warm (almost hot) water with dishwashing soap, shampoo or bodywash. Soak your ring for about 20 to 40 minutes and then gently brush it with a very soft toothbrush. Rinse under warm running water, and repeat if needed.

Note: Don’t use anything moisturising to wash your ring. This is why there’s build-up in the first place. When drying your ring, avoid paper towels. These actually leave scratches on the metal, so rather use soft cloth made of cotton, or just let it air dry.

A week or so before your wedding, take your ring to a jeweller to get it professionally cleaned for the Big Day. Not sure where to take it? Take a look at our list of jewellers that you can trust with your precious ring!

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