6 Things to Decide to Kick Off your Wedding Planning

Advice, Planning, Planning & Advice

As of this morning many of us will officially return to work after the Christmas and New Year festivities – some with a little extra bling on their finger! If you got engaged over the holidays, congratulations and welcome to wedding planning, one of the most exciting times of your life. 

If you’re feeling a little bit hesitant to start planning your Big Day simply because of all the details you will have to research and choose todays post is just what you need – six things to decide to kick off your wedding planning. Notebooks at the ready, are you set?! 

Six Steps to Wedding Planning Happiness

1. Budget – the worst part of wedding planning, seriously, but very much an important part. If you don’t know how much you have to ‘play’ with how will you make any more of the huge decisions? 

2. Discuss possible dates, and try to narrow it down to two or three. Firstly consider what year, then what time of year, then what day of the week. Don’t forget about any significant dates that might be just the one for you as a couple. 

3. Begin the guest list. At this early stage you don’t have to be exact but knowing roughly how many you plan to have will make decisions such as your venue choice easier. 

4. Think about your wedding style. Will it be a traditional church followed by hotel do or do you want the entire day in the same place etc. Again, knowing what you are looking for will make the search a lot easier. 

5. Begin the venue search. First up think about anywhere you have been that you were really impressed with, after that word of mouth and online searches such as our Venue finder are a great place to see what is around your area, and in your budget. 

6. Get set to research – Treat yourself to a brand new notebook or wedding planner, open a new Excel spreadsheet, create a new wedding board on Pinterest, or set up a wed-min folder on your desktop. However you like to store your findings, get set up and get researching and building your dream day! 

Once you’ve got these steps sorted you’ll soon see how prepared you are to make wedding planning a dream! Good luck and don’t forget to enjoy every moment. 

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