Blissful Bride- How to remain calm before your big day!

Advice, Planning & Advice

Are you a self-proclaimed stress-head?! Can the smallest things really wind you up and play on your mind?! Well, when you step on board the wedding planning bus, don’t be expecting to get through it without a little smidgen of stress at some point! But help is at hand, follow our guide to staying stress-free and wedding ready…

bride screaming



Even if you have your dream wedding planned ten times over in your head, when it comes to the crunch and you are juggling lots of balls in the air, it’s easy to feel the need for a darkened room at times! You may be planning to move in together for the first time, study for exams, hold down your job AND plan your once in a lifetime dream wedding day! First things first cut yourself some slack!!


TALK- As they say, talk is cheap. It is also a great way of getting feelings of pressure off your chest. To make sure you and your fiancé are on the right wavelength when it comes to your hopes and dreams for your wedding day; and if you are feeling brave enough to hand over the reigns, delegate some of the to-do list to him. Don’t be afraid of asking for help from friends and family.


SLEEP- Even during times of normality, our bodies need plenty of sleep to repair themselves, so when you are under extra pressure and stress, sleep is even more important! When we are tired we are more prone to making bad decisions, so the fate of your wedding dress could rest on the amount of sleep you get! If you have trouble getting to sleep you are obviously not relaxed enough, and will probably find yourself lying in bed thinking and re-thinking about things. Try to refrain from caffeine after 5pm, have a relaxing bath with calming bath oil and candles or get engrossed in a novel and get those relaxing thoughts flowing for a perfect nights sleep.

GET AWAY- If you feel like things are getting on top of you, make time for yourself and do something you enjoy! Whether that be swimming a few lengths and loosing yourself in the sauna, taking a walk, having a massage or simply taking a bath and a glass of wine, try to forget about all your wedding plans and enjoy a little peace and calm!

MAKE A LIST- For some, lists work, for others they don’t. If you have too many things going on in your head pouring them all out into to-do lists is a great way of working out what needs immediate attention and what can wait.

LAUGH- Laughter is good for the soul and you may be amazed at how having a good laugh can help lift your spirits!

Wedding planning is fun, it’s exciting, it can be scary and sometimes you may feel a little overwhelmed – this is normal and once you’re walking down the aisle that little bit of stressing will all be totally worth it!


Stress Products…

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Try these!

This Works: Sleep/Origins:Calm To Your Senses/ESPA Restore Candle/Bach:Rescue/Kalms


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