Five Wedding Sign Ideas You Should Have At Your Wedding


wedding signs

Using wedding signs on your Big Day is a great way to carry your theme through the day as well as being helpful for your guests. 

At we can’t get enough of a stylish hand written or illustrated sign that shows off your colour scheme and maybe even dressed in your floral choices. 

Today we’re sharing five wedding sign ideas that you should consider having at your wedding. Not only do they look good but they’ll guide your guests along through the day, so they know where to go, what to do and even what they’ll be eating! 

1. Welcome to our wedding sign – the perfect way to greet guests to your Big Day. 

wedding signs

Image via Etsy

wedding signs

Image via Etsy

2. Order of the day sign – a great way to guide your guests through your wedding day. 

3. Table plan sign – an easy one to ensure your guests find their seats for dinner! 

wedding signs

Image via Etsy

4. Unplugged wedding sign – if you’ve decided you would like to have an unplugged wedding, a sign that kindly asks your guests to put their phones away and enjoy your day first hand and not through a screen! 

wedding signs

Image via Etsy

5. Menu sign – having a menu sign is a great way to keep stationery costs down. 

wedding signs

Image via Hi Miss Puff

wedding signs

Image via Etsy

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