Flower Girl Accessory Ideas

Fashion, Inspiration

flowergirl-accessories-ideas1It is very easy to order a miniature version of your own bouquet for your little flower girl, but if you really want to up the cuteness factor, here are a few adorable touches that could be added to your wedding!

It can be difficult to get your little flower girls to carry a bouquet of flowers on your wedding day, especially if they are very young or nervous. You should make a big deal about the special item they have to carry, this will encourage them to do a good job!


Fairy wands

Fairy wands

Little fairy wands are a great choice because they are light and not too cumbersome for the flower girl to carry, they can be picked up in most fancydress shops or you could also have a personalised one made especially for your own fairy.


Metal star wand which has been dressed with fresh flowers to coordinate with the colour scheme of the day, created by Frog Prince Events.

Fuchsia felt and ribbon personalised wand available from Our Crafts.


Do you have a family pet that you would like to include in your big day? Why not have your flower girl guide them up the aisle, double cute!

Little bouquets

Little bouquets

Miniture bouquets for little hands are always charming.


Pretty petite bouquet which will coordinate with the bridal bouquets. Created by Little Daisy Wedding Flowers.

Unusual and unique ribbon and button flowers handcrafted by FFFlowers.


button bouquet

Button bouquet

This amazing mini Ava button bouquet has a subtle vintage look and would make the perfect accessory for your flower girl. Created by Beau Buttons.


Baskets filled with rose petals are a popular choice and can be arranged through your florist. If you are looking for very unusual baskets keep an eye out on Etsy or Folksy for unique handcrafted ideas.

Cinderella Style basket

Cinderella Style basket

Lightweight Cinderella style basket dressed with two simple flowers, created by Wedding Flowers Ireland.

Paper windmills are adorable, easy to carry, budget friendly and will look amazing and unique in your wedding photographs.


Ragdolls by The Ruby Range

There can be very little cuter than flower girls carrying a ragdoll that has been specially dressed in a matching outfit! Ragdolls handmade by The Ruby Range.


Ragdolls by The Ruby Range


Image Credits

{Pinterest} {Our Crafts} {Pinterest} {Little Daisy Wedding Flowers} {FFFlowers} {Beau Buttons} {Pinterest} {Pinterest} {Wedding Flowers Ireland} {Pinterest} {The Ruby Range}

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