DIY Kids’ Wedding Activity Bags: The Dos and Don’ts!


To have children at your wedding or not; it’s one of the greatest debates amongst brides. The choice is a totally personal one, but if you do decide to invite children to your wedding, bear in mind their parents who will have to care for them just like every other day. DIY kids’ wedding activity bags are a great way of keeping them busy, so today we thought we’d give you a few tips and tricks for you to keep in mind when creating yours.


Weddings are amazing occasions and personally, I feel kids only add to the atmosphere. (As long as they aren’t mine and I can relax and have a day off!) But as much as getting dressed up, seeing the bride and making new friends is a new and exciting experience for the little mites, standing around talking, listening to speeches and keeping still and quiet at the appropriate times isn’t all that fun in their eyes.

Childrens lawn games at weddings

Image: Hugh Forte

Kids’ wedding activity bags are so simple to put together, but there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Do consider the age range of your little guests and offer age appropriate games and treats.
  • Do think about including the following:  bubbles, crayons, a colouring book, stickers, a personalised treasure map or wedding booklet, a pinwheel and a slinky (lots of kids have never seen these). One of our favourite ideas is to include a disposable camera and a list of items/people for the kids to find and photograph. Remember to ask a bridesmaid to collect the cameras at the end of the night, as the pictures will be hilarious when they’re developed!
  • Do steer clear of loading your activity bags full of sweets.
  • Do put a helium balloon on each child’s place setting. Kids love balloons. Fact.
  • Do remember to factor in the cost of the children’s activity bags and any other children’s entertainment into your budget. It could be very easy to overspend on this area of your wedding as all the little costs quickly add up.
  • Don’t include hard candies, chocolate or confectionery that is likely to create a mess – mums will not be happy if their kids’ outfits get ruined. Also steer clear of fizzy drinks; children and sugar filled drinks is not the done things these days!
  • Don’t include any food products that contain nuts, just in case a child has an allergy that you don’t know about.
  • Don’t include paints or markers. Again, it’s too easy to cause mess to their clothing and the venue’s pristine tablecloths.
  • Don’t provide whistles – the kids could give your wedding band a run for their money and everyone else will be running for the earplugs!
  • Most of all do remember the kids when planning your wedding and DON’T take it for granted that they will find the day exciting without some personal touches for them.

Happy children= happy parents!

Are you having children at your wedding? Have you thought how you are going to occupy them? We’d love to hear your ideas – let us know with a comment!

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