Recipe for a Happy Marriage



Recipe For a Happy Marriage

I received a framed plaque containing a beautiful poem as a wedding gift some years ago, and it has been hanging up in my kitchen ever since. I walk by it so many times each day, and know it’s there, but it’s nice to stop and read it every now and then. It’s fun, but contains some gems of wisdom, so I thought I would share it. Enjoy!





1 cup of consideration

1 cup of courtesy

2 cupfuls of flattery carefully concealed

2 cupfuls of milk of human kindness

1 gallon of faith and trust in each other

2 cupfuls of praise

1 small pinch of in-laws

1 reasonable budget

1 generous dash of cooperation

3 teaspoon of pure extract of “sorry”

1 cup of contentment

1 cup each of confidence and encouragement

1 large or several small hobbies

1 cup of blindness to the other’s faults

Flavour with frequent portions of recreationand a dash of happy memories.

Stir well and remove any specks of jealousy, temper or criticism.

Sweeten well with generous portions of love and keep warm with a steady flame of devotion!!

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