Seven Simple Tips to Look After your Engagement Ring

Advice, Planning & Advice

You might already be the proud owner of an engagement ring, or maybe there’s something sparkly waiting for you under the tree this year, but one thing you should know about your sparkler is is how to take care of it. Your engagement and, when you have it, your wedding ring will most likely be the most precious pieces of jewellery you’ll ever own so please look after them! Today we’re sharing tips to make sure your rings are as sparkly and shiny as the first day you got them.

1. Insure your bling: So many brides and grooms-to-be forget to protect the financial investment on their finger, but you never know what might happen and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Add your rings to your home contents insurance, even if you’re renting. Having them added to your policy will remove any hassle should anything happen to them. Many jewellers now offer insurance policies so check when you’re purchasing it.

2. Treat it kindly: Diamonds are the hardest material in the world but that doesn’t mean they are totally unbreakable – they can chip! Treat your rings well and try not to knock them off things.

3. Make the most of the jewellers: Many jewellers will offer a complimentary six or twelve month ‘check up’ to look over your ring to make sure the diamond is still well in place and that it’s wearing well. Make the most of this, you could make your appointment well in advance, say when you’re collecting your ring originally.

4. Keep it on: Many women (hands up here) like to take their rings off when they are washing their hands, or doing the dishes. Please remember if you’re using amenities do not take your rings off, chances are you could leave them behind, to worse still drop them down the sink.

5. Careful when cleaning: If you like to clean with bleach or other harsh cleaning products it’s best to keep your rings neatly tucked away in their box as many of these products will dull your ring. Gemstones such as emeralds really do not react well to bleach, so take it off!

6. Elizabeth Taylor told of how she cleaned her jewels (and she had quite a few!) with hot water, gin and a toothbrush, but we’d suggest taking your ring to the professionals to be cleaned is the best solution. Cleaning your ring yourself could lead to damage over time.

7. Store it well: It’s important to keep your rings in a secure place, the box it came in is a pretty safe bet, but we love the cute little trinket plates that are so popular now. We’ve chosen a few of our faves below…

Etsy // Oliver Bonas // Anthropologie // Urban Outfitters

(Featured image via Deer Pearl Flowers)

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