Postponed Wedding: How to Celebrate Your Original Date


For anybody with a postponed wedding, there are ways you can still celebrate your original date! From exchanging love letters to enjoying your wedding cake and hosting a virtual cocktail hour, there are lots of things you can do to commemorate your original wedding date!

Main image credit: Peter Rowen Photography


Postponed wedding: How to celebrate your original date

Wear something pretty

Nothing will make you feel more like a bride than wearing something awesome! If you’re bold, wear your wedding dress. But if you’d prefer to keep that a surprise for your postponed wedding, then wear another pretty white dress. Put on your veil and some makeup and get your Other Half to wear his wedding day tie!


Host a virtual ceremony

The wonders of technology and tools like Zoom or Google hangouts! This gives you a chance to get dressed up, exchange your vows and do your first dance for your nearest and dearest to see.


Have a photoshoot

Why not embrace the day and capture all the memories you’ll make! Ask your wedding photographer if you can arrange a doorstep photoshoot, a photography session via Zoom, or just take your own photos on your phone!


Celebrate with cake

Ask your cake maker if you can order a smaller version of your wedding cake. And don’t forget to actually eat some of it!

Related: 15 Pretty Little Celebration Cakes


Pretty blooms

Find out if you can order your wedding bouquet (or a version of it) from your florist!


A fancy meal

Find a way to cook your wedding meal together or simply order your favourite takeaways. And if you’ve been stocking up on wine or bubbles, open a bottle to celebrate the day!


Love letters

Remember that the reason you are getting married (or in this case, celebrating your love on the original date) is because you love one another. Share that love by writing a special love letter for one another.


Open gifts

If you’ve received any gifts from friends or family, allow yourself to open one of them! And if not, buy a small gift for one another and open those when you exchange your love letters.


Invite your guests to a drive by

We just love that people are being creative with ways they can see each other and celebrate together in a safe way! Ask your guests to drive past your house for an epic car parade. You can wave at them from outside your home, holding your bouquet and wearing your pretty dress.


Host a virtual cocktail hour

In the mood for a few speeches? Gather your guests via Zoom, invite them to show up with a cocktail in hand, and have a virtual cocktail hour! You could turn this into a games night and have a Mr and Mrs Quiz or play The Shoe Game!


Watch old wedding videos

Sure, you won’t be able to watch your own wedding video for a while, but you could ask your parents if you could watch theirs!

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