Things You’ll Treasure After the Wedding

Planning, Planning & Advice

Your wedding will more than likely be up there with your favourite days of all times! It’s such a special occasion and after months and even years of planning, you’ll definitely want some mementos from it. We can’t stress enough how important your wedding photos and video are. After all the planning, these two things will transport you back to the day time and time again. But there are some other little pieces from your day that you’ll cherish afterwards too, that can be used in your home. Check out some things you’ll treasure after your wedding below…

Your Planning Notebook

Available from My Wedding Shop

If there’s one thing that will keep you on track and give you all the feels once the Big Day has been and gone, it’s a wedding planning journal. This trusty notebook will keep you sane along the way as you jot down to-do lists and notes from appointments. But it will also be a gorgeous reminder of your planning journey afterwards. Irish company My Wedding Shop have a handy journal designed specifically for Irish brides – pick it up here!

A Personalised Wedding Dress Hanger

Photo from Althea & Kevin’s real wedding by Ebony & Pearl

A gorgeous hanger is the perfect way to display your beloved wedding dress on the Big Day and we bet you’ll be grinning anytime you catch a glimpse of it hanging in your wardrobe afterwards too. You can find personalised hangers at Wedding Robes, and Robes4You.

Your Invite

via Framebridge

Your invite is important for obvious reasons – it has all the deets for your special day but it’s also such a lovely keepsake. The great thing about an invite is you can make it into your own very piece of art by popping it in a nice frame and hanging it at home afterwards.

Cake Topper

Photo from James & Laura’s real wedding by Andrew O’Dwyer Photography

We’re a big fan of the personalised cake topper – it looks adorable perched on top of your wedding cake, plus it’s the perfect personal touch. But it’s also a lovely keepsake afterwards too! We think it would be right at home on a shelf in your house as a little nod to your wedding festivities.

A Love Story Sign

Photo from Althea & Kevin’s real wedding by Ebony & Pearl

The Love Story sign has popped up in quite a few real weddings and for good reason! It’s such a sweet way to sum up your relationship milestones and share them all with your guests. AND it will look great propped on a shelf or on a wall in your sitting room for years to come too.

Your Ring Box

Photo from Danielle & Sean’s real wedding by ATL Photography | Personalised Ring box from River Lane Memories

Your precious rings will need a special box to get them safely up the aisle. We love the idea of investing in a personalised piece that can double up as a bit of a jewellery box afterwards! Irish store River Lane Memories stock this one and have lots of other gorgeous personalised goodies as well.

Your Brooch Bouquet

Brooch Bouquet by Florio Designs, Ireland

If you’re keen to make sure your bouquet stands the test of time, a brooch bouquet is a beautiful option. This way you can add in family heirlooms, your something blue and any other pieces that mean something to you. It can then be passed down to other family members or stored at home as a fab tribute to your Big Day. This pretty brooch bouquet is by Florio Designs who specialise in fabric, feather and brooch bouquets, as well as hair accessories and jewellery.

A Beautiful Print/Painting of Your Wedding

Painting by Wedding Portraits by Artist Tom Byrne

Photo by Eden Photography | Painting by Wedding Art

Available from As Cute As a Button

Print by Reddin Art

There are several companies that specialise in wedding paintings and prints – if you’re lucky enough to get one as a gift, it is the perfect keepsake. Some couples also opt to have a painting or print of their wedding either created at their Big Day or in advance. If you’ve gone down this route, your painting or print will be a beautiful addition to your walls afterwards!

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