Unusual Ways to Organise a Wedding on a Student Budget


It is easy to accept an engagement ring, but planning a wedding takes time and is costly. The idea of spending close to $40,000 puts off many young couples who think of eloping as the best idea. It is possible to do a memorable wedding on a budget, even if you are a student. 

If you are planning a wedding, ample planning can help you do a great wedding with the least budget possible. Brainstorm and work out some of these ideas.


Wedding photo created by bristekjegor


Invite a few people 


The wedding day is a celebration day and people expect to eat, drink, enjoy the cake, dance and jump just to make the day memorable. The memories of a large crowd will be good for you and for the guests too but remember you are the one who will cater for the cost. 

If you have a list of 100 guests, it means you will spend close to $5,000 on food and refreshments. Limit your food budget by inviting a maximum of 10 guests, including yourself and your fiancée. When your guest list is small, you can save up to 90% of your food and refreshments budget, which can be used to offset other bills. 

There are places you can visit while in college and spend the least in terms of cost. On dedicated student travel sites, you can get some of the best ideas of some of the best places you can travel on a budget. It can be the answer to a budget place for your honeymoon or a must-visit place while in college.  


Do the décor and eliminate others 


Wedding décor helps fill your wedding venue with pomp and color but sometimes the cost can get out of hand. Your list of perfect wedding decorations can have items like the welcome sign, aisle décor, flowers, seats, floor, roof, tables, cars and so on. 

They are important to make your day memorable, but again they require money. Instead of hiring a wedding décor company, speak to a few friends or relatives to help you arrange and decorate the venue. You can avoid decorating the seats, floor and roof to save money for your honeymoon. 

As the D-day for your event comes close, it will be time to start writing your invitations. There are several ways of writing interesting creative invitations. To ensure you concentrate on writing your invitations without disruptions from your essay assignment, here is your essay helper from EduBirdie service that can help by writing academic assignments while you write your invitations. You can handwrite your invitations or print, send by email or on social media’s private chats. 


Wedding photo created by freepic.diller


Go for the least expensive venue

Great memories are made by weddings that take place in the most luxurious hotels and royal gardens. But they can also be made by weddings organized in a simple venue in the wild, by the sandy beach, in the backyard or the neighborhood park. 

The most important thing is for the wedding to take place and you don’t have to spend $30,000 on a wedding. Instead of hiring a $10,000 venue, go for a $200 venue at your friend’s front yard, or walk in a well-kept park and take your vows there. 

The initial phase when planning your wedding can be time-consuming and energy-draining. You need to take time thinking about who to invite, who to involve in the planning committee, the date of your wedding and many more. Planning a wedding is time demanding and you might lack time to do your other assignments. Instead of burdening yourself with two important issues, contact Edubirdie essay service for the best work in quick time.


Go for startup photographers 

Photos and videos help to keep your wedding memory alive. It will be wonderful to see your children ask you questions about your wedding day as they peruse through your wedding albums. Photographers charge you according to the equipment they are using, their level of experience and number of staff.

The newbie photographers are keen to charge lesser to beat the competition and build their brand. They will give perfect service at a lower cost and it will be good if you work with one. 


Save on wedding attire 

The wedding dress is the most expensive item in the wedding attire. Many wedding shops offer quality wedding dress and accessories. Try not to shop in the high-end elite shops, but visit the shops in downtown or town suburbs. 

For the groom’s attire, the local tailors can produce a memorable piece of suit that closely matches the designer suits. Shop around for cheaper wedding rings and if possible, invite your hairdresser to do your hair in the house early during the wedding day or request to do your hair from a beauty school. 



Society has stereotyped weddings as colorful, luxurious and extravagant events. This notion has created fear in many young couples who choose to stay together without a wedding. The media has exaggerated the notion further by showing on screens weddings for the elite families in society. A simple couple that is starting in life can organize and do a memorable wedding on a small budget if they spend time planning. 


Author Bio:

Judy Nelson works at a medical device manufacturing company where she designs, develops electrical components and develops testing reports. She also freelances in academics, where she specializes in writing electrical engineering coursework, term papers, and dissertations. On her day-offs, she likes to go on long road trips, go camping or watch movies.

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