13 Great Wedding Planning Tips To Help You Get Organised

Advice, Planning, Planning & Advice

Planning a wedding is a huge job so we’ve put together some handy wedding planning tips to help you get on top of things!

Wedding Planning – Where to Start?

1. Invest in a  Notebook

A trusty notebook for all your plans should defo be top of the shopping list! Wedding planning can be lots of fun but it can also be incredibly stressful – there are a lot of things to organise and a wedding planning notebook will help you keep on top of them. It’s the perfect spot to jot down ideas, lists and reminders and anything else that pops in to your head on your planning journey. We love this trusty planning journal from MyWeddingPlanner.ie designed especially for Irish brides! You can pick it up here.

2. Get On Your List Making

If you aren’t currently big in to your lists, you will be by the time you make it up the aisle! List making will keep you sane and on track at every stage of your planning, plus you get to draw a satisfying line through each task when it’s done and dusted.

3. Set Up a Dedicated Email Account

You’ll be sending and receiving a lotta emails to suppliers so it makes sense to have them in one place – set up either an email address specifically for all your wedding planning emails for example lauraandcarlwedding@gmail.com or create a folder within your own personal email account so you can store them all safely!

4. Same Goes for a Pinterest Board 

If you’re looking to keep your ideas to yourself and gather lots of gorgeous inspo, set yourself up a private Pinterest board while you’re at it. You can use it to save all your fave images and show suppliers along the way – seeing them all in one place might even help you hone in on a theme or colour palette.

5. Bookmark Your Checklist

Download a wedding planning checklist straight away! This little document will be your salvation, giving you an idea of what to tackle and when. We’ve a handy checklist with all the tasks you’ll encounter along the way to help you get organised – see your ultimate to-do list here!

6. Book Early

Once you know what to tackle, make sure to give yourself loads of time to book in your preferred suppliers. Suppliers book up fast so if you’ve your heart set on a particular photographer, videographer or band, get enquiring as the last thing you want is to hear your date is already gone. Use our service finder to find your perfect suppliers and our venue finder to find your dream venue!

7. Set Reminders

There’s going to be a lot going on with your calendar filling up with all sorts of wedding fun so make sure to keep note of any appointments you’ve made from cake tastings and wedding showcases to dress shopping. Set a reminder on your phone, pencil it in your diary or create an alert online so you don’t miss your slot!

8. Think Ahead

It can pay to think ahead. If you know you’re going to be sending out invites at the weekend, make sure you stock up on supplies like stamps in advance so it doesn’t hold you back. Same goes for addresses – get your mum to round up aunts and uncles addresses and text mates to get their exact house number etc. so you’re ready to go the minute you get your hands on your beautiful stationery. Also beware of legal requirements – you need to give at least three months’ notice to the state of your intention to marry so make sure to have a reminder in the phone as this is one date you don’t want to miss. And be sure to book in things like dress fittings early so you get a time that suits you!

9. Share the Load

There’s two of you planning this wedding so make sure to keep the other person in the loop. Get them to help you so they don’t feel left out and you don’t feel overwhelmed. If you both know what’s happening, it will save double jobbing and arguments – the last thing you want is to both be sussing out cars. Splitting up tasks will save time!

10. Keep Track of Spending

Excel will be your go-to pal here! There’s a lot of spending involved in weddings and because it’s spaced out from anywhere between 6-24 months, it can be hard to remember who you paid what to. Make sure you keep track of everything. Set up an excel sheet from the get-go with how much you owe each supplier, when it’s due and what deposits you’ve paid. It’s also handy to keep a little online file or if you like your folders, print off contracts and receipts so you know exactly how much you’ve shelled out. It will make life way easier when it comes to that final month and you’ve every supplier to pay.

11. Know Your Bank Limits

It’s also a good idea to check how much you can transfer from your bank per day. Most of your suppliers will need to be paid the month before your wedding so you’ll need to make sure you have enough funds available to transfer to the relevant supplier on the set day (or over a few days if agreed with the supplier in advance).

12. Take Days Off

If you’re bogged down in list after list day in day out, the fun of it all will fade fast. Make sure you have a life outside the Big Day, planning will be way more enjoyable if the wedding doesn’t hog every convo.

13. Hire a Wedding Planner

If you’re overwhelmed and need a hand or organising isn’t one of your strengths, you may want to enlist the help of a wedding planner. They have a book full of contacts, know every trick of the trade, can deal with any dilemma thrown at them, will keep you super organised and ultimately are the pros when it comes to pulling off an incredible celebration. If you need a hand, here are some excellent planners:

Frog Prince Weddings & Events | Hollie The Wedding PlannerPauline Belton Wedding Planner | Finesse Weddings | The Wedding Festival | Secret Bridesmaid – International Wedding PlannerCoordination Made Easy | Help Plan My Wedding – Ireland & Abroad | Sharon Mc Meel | Perfect Details

Main photo via Feathered Heart Prints on Etsy

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