Sweet Ways to Involve Your Kids in Your Wedding

Planning & Advice

If you’ve got children, there are lots of lovely ways you can include them in your wedding! They’re sure to be super excited about the Big Day so make sure they feel like a special part of it. There’s lots of sweet ways to go about it, from including them in the wedding prep and invites to having them by your side when you walk up the aisle or say your vows. Take a look at more of our favourite ways to involve your kids in your wedding…

Featured image credit: Waldemar Zukowski Wedding Photography


Make them part of your invitation

Set the tone for the Big Day by including your children in your wedding invitations! It’ll be super cute and a special way to show them before the day how special they are to you.

Graphic Monkey


Have a ‘First Look’ just for them

We guarantee the photos of your special ‘First Look’ will put a huge smile on your face for years to come!

Dream Love Photography


Let them carry a cute sign

Kids carrying cute signs has got to be one of the highlights of the ceremony and photos! Whether your kids are walking down the aisle or just joining you for the photos, a cute sign will be a hit with them and the guests.

Marshal Gray Studio


Include them in your ceremony

There are lots of lovely ways to involve your kids in your wedding ceremony. What you choose to do will depend on their age and level of confidence. Take a listen to our podcast episode all about children in weddings and skip to 8:12 for creative ways to involve your kids in your wedding ceremony.


Have a fun family cake topper

Traditionally the cake topper is a tribute to you as a couple, but if you have children, they’ll feel so special being part of this!

Julie Weisberger Photography


Let them do a special performance

Depending on how confident your children are, you could invite them to perform for your guests. They could sing a song, do a dance or host another fun activity.

Dream Love Photography


Spend time with them on the Big Day

No matter what you plan for the day, be sure to incorporate lots of family time! The day flies by in a whizz, so don’t forget to pause and have a few lovely family moments.

MG Photography


Save a dance for them

Your kids will love dancing with you, whether it’s a special moment for everyone to watch, or just something for you to enjoy together!


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